Who are we?

The Business Learning Foundation worked with OD-tool.com to develop a modern psychometric tool for today's business requirements. Based on developments concluded in the 1990's from 100 years of prior psychological research, we believe, Paradigm to be the most practical and purpose built psychometric report for your business/organisational use today.
The BLF (license holder for the Paradigm reports), known for its innovative approach to business coaching and training within top FTSE 100 companies within the UK, both on a 1-2-1 basis at an executive level, and group training events for managers and senior managers.
The psychology for success plays a big part in the successful outcomes of many of our coaching interactions. In order to understand our personality and what motivates us, there is no better tool than a robust psychometric report. It is a great point of reference for an individual or team to then adapt and develop natural tendencies and receive support with any weakness to become successful.
Paradigm History

Paradigm FiTiN™ is based on the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) and multiple personality constructs created by Lewis R. Goldberg, Ph.D. at the Oregon Research Institute (Goldberg, 1991)*. This item pool has been used in the construction of a range of assessment tools for the US Airforce and for corporations in the US and in Europe. The IPIP-NEO inventory has been administered to more than 200,000 people all over the world by Professor John A. Johnson‡, and is becoming one of the most popular Five-Factor personality inventories.
*Dr. Lewis R. Goldberg, a senior scientist at Oregon Research Institute and Professor Emeritus at the University of Oregon, serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Personality & Individual Differences, the European Journal of Personality, and the Journal of Personality Assessment. He has more than 100 publications in the field of personality psychology.
‡Dr. John A. Johnson is professor at the Pennsylvania State University; his main research field is personality tests during personnel selection. He received award from University of Bielefeld, received the Provost's Collaborative and Curricular Innovations Special Recognition Program Award, received first place of STAR Project Award and received Alumni/Student Award for Excellence in Teaching. Besides numerous publications in journals, he also published a book: Hogan, R., Johnson, J. A., & Briggs, S. R. (1997). Handbook of personality psychology. San Diego: Academic Press.

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